• Inner courtyard of the four-sided courtyard, Foto: RHGB Inner courtyard of the four-sided courtyard, Foto: RHGB

Reiter- und Erlebnisbauernhof Groß Briesen - Teambuilding

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p.P. = pro Person, p.P./N = pro Person / Nacht, p.E./N = pro Einheit/ Nacht, EZ = Einzelzimmer, DZ = Doppelzimmer, FeWo = Holiday flats /home, App. = Appartement, Suite = Suite, FR = Frühstück, HP = Halbpension, VP = VollPension
In a quiet and unique location, surrounded by extensive pine forests and rich nature, lies our equestrian and adventure farm.
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  • Teambuilding, Foto: RHGB
  • Communication between horse & human, Foto: RHGB
  • View to the seminar room, Foto: RHGB
  • Archery, Foto: RHGB
  • Table set in the Old Bakehouse, Foto: RHGB
  • Seated seminar room, Foto: RHGB
  • Aerial view of the equestrian farm, Foto: RHGB
Modernized and expanded, the ensemble has lost none of its original charm of a four-sided farm in the Mark Brandenburg.

For events, staff trainings or your conferences our modern seminar room with appropriate technical equipment is available.

Your culinary all-round catering is guaranteed by our in-house kitchen with a varied daily menu and vegetables from the courtyard garden. Individual catering on request is also possible. For seminars lasting several days, team training sessions and other events, we offer participants the possibility of overnight accommodation in our comfortable rooms.

Our social program

To break up the conferences and workshops, we offer you a variety of options in the form of a social program on the estate or in the beautiful surroundings of the nature park Hoher Fläming. During the seminar breaks and after the end of the seminar, you can explore and enjoy the beautiful surroundings of the nature park on foot or, after consultation and booking, in the saddle. Riding skills do not play a role here. Our offers are aimed at beginners with no knowledge, returning riders with basic knowledge as well as advanced riders with sound riding skills.


Participants experience a special kind of team event in our teambuilding seminars with trainers on four legs. With their help, participants* can get to know their individual personalities as well as those of their fellow students better in horse coaching. Our instructors use methods of experiential education to train participants in the key areas of team building & teamwork, communication & conflict skills and cooperation & organization.

In practical leadership exercises with our Icelandic horses, the team members experience very directly and immediately which signals they send by means of their body language and which effect - positive or negative - they achieve with it. Here also the social behavior of the participants*innen is analyzed and the authority accordingly trained. They learn to use their own body language in a way that is consistent with their intentions and thus convey a clear message to their environment.

In addition to self-reflection, the theoretical units promote the development of the participants' own personality. Getting to know appreciative behaviors in dealing with oneself and others as well as strengthening the team community are at the forefront.

Our seminars are suitable for classes, in the context of vocational training as well as for teams in companies. In addition, they can be customized according to the wishes and participants.
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In a quiet and unique location, surrounded by extensive pine forests and rich nature, lies our equestrian and adventure farm.
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  • Teambuilding, Foto: RHGB
  • Communication between horse & human, Foto: RHGB
  • View to the seminar room, Foto: RHGB
  • Archery, Foto: RHGB
  • Table set in the Old Bakehouse, Foto: RHGB
  • Seated seminar room, Foto: RHGB
  • https://api.tmb.pixelpoint.biz/api/asset/225200/thumbnail/595/401.jpg
Modernized and expanded, the ensemble has lost none of its original charm of a four-sided farm in the Mark Brandenburg.

For events, staff trainings or your conferences our modern seminar room with appropriate technical equipment is available.

Your culinary all-round catering is guaranteed by our in-house kitchen with a varied daily menu and vegetables from the courtyard garden. Individual catering on request is also possible. For seminars lasting several days, team training sessions and other events, we offer participants the possibility of overnight accommodation in our comfortable rooms.

Our social program

To break up the conferences and workshops, we offer you a variety of options in the form of a social program on the estate or in the beautiful surroundings of the nature park Hoher Fläming. During the seminar breaks and after the end of the seminar, you can explore and enjoy the beautiful surroundings of the nature park on foot or, after consultation and booking, in the saddle. Riding skills do not play a role here. Our offers are aimed at beginners with no knowledge, returning riders with basic knowledge as well as advanced riders with sound riding skills.


Participants experience a special kind of team event in our teambuilding seminars with trainers on four legs. With their help, participants* can get to know their individual personalities as well as those of their fellow students better in horse coaching. Our instructors use methods of experiential education to train participants in the key areas of team building & teamwork, communication & conflict skills and cooperation & organization.

In practical leadership exercises with our Icelandic horses, the team members experience very directly and immediately which signals they send by means of their body language and which effect - positive or negative - they achieve with it. Here also the social behavior of the participants*innen is analyzed and the authority accordingly trained. They learn to use their own body language in a way that is consistent with their intentions and thus convey a clear message to their environment.

In addition to self-reflection, the theoretical units promote the development of the participants' own personality. Getting to know appreciative behaviors in dealing with oneself and others as well as strengthening the team community are at the forefront.

Our seminars are suitable for classes, in the context of vocational training as well as for teams in companies. In addition, they can be customized according to the wishes and participants.
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  • Team training with intuitive archery & horses as trainers

    With lots of fun, each member of the class community can learn more about their own strengths and abilities for themselves and as an important member of the group.

    Horse and bow help to understand that, Cooperation is more effective than competition, e.g. "always be first" and pressure to perform. The body says more than a thousand words. There is a difference between looking cool and being cool. Everyone's role in the class team and how to figure it out.
    Horses, like us humans, live in communities that are characterized by hierarchy as well as friendships and cooperation. The herd provides protection and security for the individual horse. For this, it is necessary that the interaction of the individual herd members functions smoothly. Communication requires unambiguity.
    Horses recognize our inner attitudes, postures, abilities and potentials within a very short time. They mirror our behavior and give us unadulterated feedback in their very own value-free way without exposing us to anything new.

    We humans also form groups and teams and can therefore learn from the horses.
    The fascination of intuitive archery experiences the students through simple application and complex movement sequences. Through the inner dialogue with the bow, each receives feedback of their own perception through the arrow, the shot image.

    The target is hit only from the calmness and clarity.
    Concentration arises only from inner calm.
    Consideration, cooperation and mutual support are directly reflected on the target.

    Previous experience with horses and in archery is not required for participation. There is no sporting orientation in either the work with horses or archery. There will be no riding. We practice exclusively from the ground.
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14806 Bad Belzig OT Groß Briesen

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All information, times and prices are regularly checked and updated. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the data. We recommend you enquire about the current state of information by phone, e-mail or via the provider's website prior to your visit.

+49(0)331 29873555 We are available for you via telephone: weekdays Mon – Fri 9 am – 5 pm.

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