array(4 items)
   caller => 'TYPO3\CMS\Typo3DbLegacy\Database\DatabaseConnection::sql_query' (62 chars)
   ERROR => 'Table 'brandenburg-typo3.tx_realurl_uniqalias_cache_map' doesn't exist' (70 chars)
   lastBuiltQuery => 'DELETE FROM tx_realurl_uniqalias_cache_map WHERE url_cache_id IN (SELECT uid
       FROM tx_realurl_urldata WHERE page_id=0)
' (117 chars) debug_backtrace => '{closure}#25 // TYPO3\CMS\Core\Http\AbstractApplication->run#24 // TYPO3\CMS
      \Frontend\Http\Application->handle#120 // TYPO3\CMS\Core\Http\AbstractApplic
      ation->handle#69 // TYPO3\CMS\Core\Http\MiddlewareDispatcher->handle#108 //
      her.php:121$3c5d24->handle#67 // TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Middleware\TimeTrackerIn
      itialization->process#138 // class@anonymous/app/htdocs/typo3/sysext/core/C
      lasses/Http/MiddlewareDispatcher.php:121$3c5d24->handle#49 // TYPO3\CMS\Core
      \Middleware\NormalizedParamsAttribute->process#138 // class@anonymous/app/h
      ndle#58 // TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Middleware\PreprocessRequestHook->process#138
      // class@anonymous/app/htdocs/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Http/MiddlewareDisp
      atcher.php:121$3c5d24->handle#57 // TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Middleware\EidHandler
      ->process#138 // class@anonymous/app/htdocs/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Http/
      MiddlewareDispatcher.php:121$3c5d24->handle#50 // TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Middlew
      are\TypoScriptFrontendInitialization->process#138 // class@anonymous/app/ht
      dle#90 // TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Middleware\FrontendUserAuthenticator->process#1
      38 // class@anonymous/app/htdocs/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Http/MiddlewareD
      ispatcher.php:121$3c5d24->handle#79 // TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Middleware\Backend
      UserAuthenticator->process#138 // class@anonymous/app/htdocs/typo3/sysext/c
      ore/Classes/Http/MiddlewareDispatcher.php:121$3c5d24->handle#95 // TYPO3\CMS
      \Frontend\Middleware\SiteResolver->process#138 // class@anonymous/app/htdoc
      #68 // TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Middleware\PreviewSimulator->process#138 // class@
      p:121$3c5d24->handle#62 // TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Middleware\SiteBaseRedirectRes
      olver->process#138 // cl...
' (7247 chars)
array(4 items)
   caller => 'TYPO3\CMS\Typo3DbLegacy\Database\DatabaseConnection::sql_query' (62 chars)
   ERROR => 'Table 'brandenburg-typo3.tx_realurl_urldata' doesn't exist' (58 chars)
   lastBuiltQuery => 'DELETE FROM tx_realurl_urldata WHERE page_id=0' (46 chars)
   debug_backtrace => '{closure}#25 // TYPO3\CMS\Core\Http\AbstractApplication->run#24 // TYPO3\CMS
      \Frontend\Http\Application->handle#120 // TYPO3\CMS\Core\Http\AbstractApplic
      ation->handle#69 // TYPO3\CMS\Core\Http\MiddlewareDispatcher->handle#108 //
      her.php:121$3c5d24->handle#67 // TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Middleware\TimeTrackerIn
      itialization->process#138 // class@anonymous/app/htdocs/typo3/sysext/core/C
      lasses/Http/MiddlewareDispatcher.php:121$3c5d24->handle#49 // TYPO3\CMS\Core
      \Middleware\NormalizedParamsAttribute->process#138 // class@anonymous/app/h
      ndle#58 // TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Middleware\PreprocessRequestHook->process#138
      // class@anonymous/app/htdocs/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Http/MiddlewareDisp
      atcher.php:121$3c5d24->handle#57 // TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Middleware\EidHandler
      ->process#138 // class@anonymous/app/htdocs/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Http/
      MiddlewareDispatcher.php:121$3c5d24->handle#50 // TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Middlew
      are\TypoScriptFrontendInitialization->process#138 // class@anonymous/app/ht
      dle#90 // TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Middleware\FrontendUserAuthenticator->process#1
      38 // class@anonymous/app/htdocs/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Http/MiddlewareD
      ispatcher.php:121$3c5d24->handle#79 // TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Middleware\Backend
      UserAuthenticator->process#138 // class@anonymous/app/htdocs/typo3/sysext/c
      ore/Classes/Http/MiddlewareDispatcher.php:121$3c5d24->handle#95 // TYPO3\CMS
      \Frontend\Middleware\SiteResolver->process#138 // class@anonymous/app/htdoc
      #68 // TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Middleware\PreviewSimulator->process#138 // class@
      p:121$3c5d24->handle#62 // TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Middleware\SiteBaseRedirectRes
      olver->process#138 // cl...
' (7247 chars)
ADAC Fahrsicherheitszentrum Berlin-Brandenburg - Eventlocation, Fläming
  • ADAC driving Safety Center, Foto: ADAC Fahrsicherheitszentrum Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH ADAC driving Safety Center, Foto: ADAC Fahrsicherheitszentrum Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH

ADAC Fahrsicherheitszentrum Berlin-Brandenburg - Eventlocation

Provider type: 
From €
Show availability & price

p.P. = pro Person, p.P./N = pro Person / Nacht, p.E./N = pro Einheit/ Nacht, EZ = Einzelzimmer, DZ = Doppelzimmer, FeWo = Holiday flats /home, App. = Appartement, Suite = Suite, FR = Frühstück, HP = Halbpension, VP = VollPension
25 hectare for extraordinary events For each and everything. On-road or off-road events. Indoor or outdoor. Our centre provides all your heart desires. Use as much space as you need - we provide sufficient free event space. Take advantage of our course and possibilities. No matter whether you prefer to work without distractions, render an impressive presentation or celebrate exuberantly. Put your programme together as you wish and require. We are flexible and happy to assist!
Continue readingcollapse
  • Gastronomy, Foto: ADAC Fahrsicherheitszentrum Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH
  • Catering, Foto: ADAC Fahrsicherheitszentrum Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH
  • Seminar room first floor, Foto: ADAC Fahrsicherheitszentrum Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH
  • Seminar room ground floor, Foto: ADAC Fahrsicherheitszentrum Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH
  • Presentation hall, Foto: ADAC Fahrsicherheitszentrum Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH
  • Driving safety training, Foto: ADAC Fahrsicherheitszentrum Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH
25 hectare for extraordinary events For each and everything. On-road or off-road events. Indoor or outdoor. Our centre provides all your heart desires. Use as much space as you need - we provide sufficient free event space. Take advantage of our course and possibilities. No matter whether you prefer to work without distractions, render an impressive presentation or celebrate exuberantly. Put your programme together as you wish and require. We are flexible and happy to assist!
Continue readingcollapse
  • Gastronomy, Foto: ADAC Fahrsicherheitszentrum Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH
  • Catering, Foto: ADAC Fahrsicherheitszentrum Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH
  • Seminar room first floor, Foto: ADAC Fahrsicherheitszentrum Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH
  • Seminar room ground floor, Foto: ADAC Fahrsicherheitszentrum Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH
  • Presentation hall, Foto: ADAC Fahrsicherheitszentrum Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH
  • https://api.tmb.pixelpoint.biz/api/asset/197915/thumbnail/595/401.jpg

Conference and event rooms

  • Number of conference rooms: 7
  • (m²)
  • Seminar room ground floor 1 (38m²)
    Row seating 35
    Seminar-style seating 14
    Parliament-style seating 18
  • Seminar room ground floor 2 (52m²)
    Row seating 40
    Seminar-style seating 18
    Parliament-style seating 30
  • Seminar room ground floor 3 (52m²)
    Row seating 40
    Seminar-style seating 18
    Parliament-style seating 30
  • Seminar room ground floor 4 (38m²)
    Row seating 35
    Seminar-style seating 14
    Parliament-style seating 18
  • Seminar room first floor 1 (51m²)
    Row seating 40
    Seminar-style seating 18
    Parliament-style seating 30
  • Seminar room first floor 2 (51m²)
    Row seating 40
    Seminar-style seating 18
    Parliament-style seating 30
  • Seminar room first floor 3 (35m²)
    Row seating 24
    Parliament-style seating 15
  • Tire hall ground floor (150m²)
    Row seating 80
    Seminar-style seating 30
    Parliament-style seating 50
  • Demonstration hall and atrium on the ground floor (300m²)
    Row seating 120
    Parliament-style seating 80
  • Presentation hall (300m²)
    Row seating 200
    Banquet seating 100
    Standing reception 250
Continue reading Collapse

Arrival planner

Am Kalkberg 6

14822 Linthe

Weather Today, 2. 1.

2 3
few clouds

  • Friday
    -1 3
  • Saturday
    -2 1

Point of contact

TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH​

Babelsberger Straße 26
D-14473 Potsdam

Tel.: +49 (0) 331 - 29873555

All information, times and prices are regularly checked and updated. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the data. We recommend you enquire about the current state of information by phone, e-mail or via the provider's website prior to your visit.

+49(0)331 29873555 We are available for you via telephone: weekdays Mon – Fri 9 am – 5 pm.